Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello World

I have always wanted to keep a blog that details my photographic experiences but procrastination got the better of me. Nonetheless, let's hope that my humble first post will provide the momentum for many more posts to come. 

There are a few other events that happened over the past few weeks I would love to pen down, but I shall save those for now and introduce you to Alexia!

She's has a lot of energy hidden within her small frame. At the risk of sounding cheesy, she does knock-out punches too... If you didn't know, I am helping a local San Francisco motorbike magazine ( shoot their monthly girls and Alexia was casted as one of our 2012 girls. She's young, fun and I would say very particular about how she would photograph. While I have yet to pick the ones that are spectacular and work on them, the photographs look promising at first glance. With the workload that I have right now, I would imagine I will only get to editing them next week, (after the iPad 2 announcement).

I shot her with either the 35L or the 50L and pocketwizards. Oh man! I hate to say this, something is very very wrong with my pocketwizards. I do hope that the problems I faced was due to weak batteries, but it seems unlikely given the problems other Canon users are facing with their FlexTT5s. My firing rate isn't at 100%, and that absolutely defeats the purpose of using them. I probably should do more tests before I make any conclusions but using the FlexTT5s and the MiniTT1 hasn't been as smooth sailing as I wanted.